This is a struggle for me because it was my pain that brought me my strength to become a better person. Growing up in saint louis was hard for me and my siblings became we never had a father and my mom always worked double shifts to keep us afloat. Saint louis.... back then was fun it was so full of excitement everywhere you went it's was live.... like in the movies. So getting into trouble was a normal thing for me back then because I like excitement as long as I got a rush from the event, it really didn't matter what we were doing. One fun thing lead to another fun thing to do until one day we decided to take peoples cars.. I'll never forget it was the summer of 1990 and I wanted to steal someone's Corvette with turbo buster. Now I want the reader to keep in mind, this is my first time driving and I drove with one foot on the brake and the other on the gas. So we decided to go up to the school after 3:00p.m. when the high school leave to go home, as we arrived I turn the corvette into the street but accidentally hit the turbo button and lost control of the wheel...... lol stay tuned for part two.
Peace and love,
😂😂😂 sounds too familiar
I remember St. Louis from back in the 80's to early 90's. The place was hopping all over. I always remember leaning against the arch and looking up. It always seemed that it was falling. I think everybody takes a step or two away from the arch after looking up for a moment then, taking a step or 2 away from it and looking up again as if the arch might be falling. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to part 2
It's like a superhero origin story!! Looking forward to part 2!!
Raahubaat..people of our cloth are rebirths and resonate to this realm [light] of truth. With all that said your story made you a better instructor to truth and to help promote generations to come. I appreciate, The People's Remedy, INC, you very much brother.